Via Stub Length Short Stub vs Long Stub

October 25, 2021

Via Stub Length Short Stub vs Long Stub

Welcome to our blog post on Via Stub Length Short Stub vs Long Stub comparison. Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) play an essential role in today's modern technology society. They are an integral part of almost all electronic devices, from smartphones to aircraft. PCBs provide a compact and efficient way to interconnect components, which is necessary for the modern era of miniaturized electronics. In this post, we will look at the Via Stub Length Short Stub vs Long Stub, which are essential factors in PCB design. We will provide you with all the relevant information required to make an informed choice.

What is a Via Stub Length?

Before we begin, let us define what the Via Stub Length is. In a PCB design, a via is a metal-plated hole that connects the different layers of the board. The length of the via stub is the portion of the metal conductor that protrudes above the next PCB layer.

Short Stub vs Long Stub

In the PCB design, engineers face a dilemma when it comes to choosing between short stub and long stub vias. The right choice depends on the specific design and requirements. A short stub via has a shorter metal conductor protruding from the board's surface, whereas a long stub via has a more extended metal conductor.

Short Stub Vias

Short stub vias have a lower impedance than long stub vias. This is because they have a shorter transmission line, which means they have a lower capacitive and inductive reactance, resulting in lower losses. As a result, short stub vias provide better signal integrity and higher bandwidth. This makes them an excellent choice for high-frequency circuit designs, such as communication systems and high-speed digital circuits.

Long Stub Vias

Long stub vias, on the other hand, have a higher impedance than short stub vias. This is due to the longer transmission line, which results in higher capacitive and inductive reactances. Long stub vias can cause signal reflections, which can degrade signal quality, lower bandwidth, and decrease noise margins. However, the longer transmission line can help in impedance matching, making them a better choice for lower frequency designs.


In conclusion, choosing the correct Via Stub Length depends on your specific design and requirements. Short stub vias provide better signal integrity and higher bandwidth, making them an excellent choice for high-speed digital circuits and communication systems. Long stub vias are better suited for the impedance matching of low-frequency designs, but they can cause signal reflections, lower bandwidth, and degrade signal quality.

We hope our unbiased comparison helps you make an informed decision while designing your PCB. If you need more information on PCB design or assistance with manufacturing and assembly, please get in touch with us.


  • Via Stub Length Calculator by
  • Printed Circuit Handbook, 7th Edition, by Clyde F. Coombs Jr., Happy Holden, and W. Scott Fillebrown.

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